searched around but did not find much on this topic.
I see that there’s a „State“ and a „Clock“ column for each subdomain record in the management UI. The latter column probably being „last update“. Are these two columns related - in other words - would a record that has not been updated for a certain time period have its Status changed from „Active“ to something else? What are the possible values for the State column and what do they mean?
I’m updating via a Bash script that’s executed periodically using cron. My first revision of said script did something along the lines of what the examples found around here do: check current IP, if IP changed, issue update. But my external IP changes rarely. So, just in case, I changed the script to force at least one update call daily. Did I overthink it and I’m just putting unnecessary „load“ on IPv64 servers?
After automated updates are set up, do I need to do anything else to keep the related account alive - or is just calling the (single record) Update-URL enough?
P.S.: sorry for all the English (did check the forum TOS but didn’t see any language requirements there). I’m not confident enough in my German to write in it but I do not mind answers in German.