Hallo, ich versuche Pimox auf einem Raspi 4 zu installieren und habe dabei die auf Github angegebenen Schritte befolgt, d.h:
1. Flash and startup the latest image from https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_arm64/ .
2. sudo -s
3. curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usefulstuffs/pimox8/main/RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh > RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh
4. chmod +x RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh
5. ./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh [Habe ich als root ausgeführt, wie vom Skript gefordert: "PLEASE DONT USE SUDO, USE SU TO LOGIN TO THE ROOT USER"]
6. Follow the prompts
Begin installation, Normal duration on a default RPi4 ~ 30 minutes, be patient…
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 148: $: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 160: /boot/cmdline.txt
Install pve-manager separately, and without recommended packages, to avoid packaging issue later.
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y --no-install-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef ifupdown2
Continue with remaining packages
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef proxmox-ve postfix open-iscsi
RECONFIGURE NETWORK #### /etc/hosts REMOVE IPv6 #### /etc/network/interfaces.new CONFIGURE NETWORK TO CHANGE ON REBOOT
printf : No such file or directory
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 161: =========================================================================================: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 162: $‚\E[32m‘: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 163: =========================================================================================: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 165: $‚n\nprintf‘: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 167: > /etc/hosts
printf auto: No such file or directory
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 168: iface: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 170: iface: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 172: auto: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 173: iface: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 174: address: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 175: gateway: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 176: bridge-ports: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 177: bridge-stp: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 178: bridge-fd: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 182: =========================================================================================: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 183: $‚\E[32m‘: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 184: =========================================================================================: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 186: after: command not found
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 187: —: No such file or directory
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 189: —: No such file or directory
./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 190: syntax error near unexpected token in' ./RPiOS64-IA-Install.sh: line 190:
in a root shell to complete the installation.’
Zeile 148 lautet: sed -i „1 s|$| cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1|“ /boot/cmdline.txt